Online Florist Since 1996

Pink Blossom Bouquet

Pink Blossom Bouquet
ID# T18M400
Product Description - Pink Blossom Bouquet

This arrangement full of pink and white blooms makes a perfect gift for a birthday, another special occasion or just because  •  Artfully arranged by one of our local florists, your recipient will be thrilled when it arrives  •  Dimension: Approximately 14 W x 12 3/4 H Includes:  •  Hot Pink Roses  •  Purple Button Spray Chrysanthemums  •  Lavender Cushion Spray Chrysanthemums  •  White Daisy Spray Chrysanthemums  •  Raspberry Sinuata Statice  •  Leatherleaf Fern  •  Huckleberry  •  Clear Glass Cube Vase
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